"Unlock Your Full Potential in 2024: The Ultimate Goal-Setting Workshop 3 Steps to Transform Your Life"

Crush Limiting Beliefs to Achieve Your Goals: "Gain the Tools and Strategies to Create a Balanced Life of Purpose, Growth and Fun!"
Transformation Journey Starts Today When You...

Overcome Uncertainty and Take Action Towards Your Goals

  • This workshop is for you if you feel any of these problems..

  • Feel stuck in life situations

  • Unsure of how to move forward

  • Feeling stress

  • Struggle to find a balance between their work, personal life, and faith

  • Overwhelmed, manage your time effectively

  • Low confidence or self-esteem

  • No purpose or challenges to pursue your goals.

  • This goal-setting workshop will empower you to take control of your life, find your voice, and confidently pursue your purpose with a sense of balance and fulfillment by addressing these key points while setting your goals.

“Don’t let your past dictate who you are, but let it be part of who you will become.”

Why you can't miss this Workshop if you need to...

💡 Overcome Blockers: Break free from blockers holding you back from your true potential.

💪 Develop a Growth Mindset: Step boldly into your full power with a growth mindset.
🚀Boost Productivity: Be more productive and less stressed while achieving your goals.

🌱 Build New Habits: Learn the tools to build new habits and take control of your life.

with a Proven Framework...

  • Gain clarity on your goals:
    The workshop helps identify and define your goals clearly, giving you a sense of direction and purpose.

  • Create a personalized game plan:
    The workshop guides you through the process of creating a custom game plan tailored to your specific goals, ensuring a strategic approach to achievement.

  • Comprehensive life assessment:
    The life assessment component allows you to evaluate seven key areas of your life, helping you to identify imbalances in key areas to help guide your goal setting.

  • Achieve work-life-faith balance:

    By addressing the balance between work, personal life, and faith, the workshop helps you find harmony through goal setting to achieve alignment in these areas, reducing stress and promoting overall well-being.

  • Empowerment and confidence:

    The workshop instills a sense of empowerment and confidence, equipping you with the mindset and tools necessary to pursue your goals with conviction and resilience

    You are worth taking the first step to break free, transform and live a life of growth, balance, purpose, and fun!

Balance, Growth, Purpose and Fun

3 Steps to Transform Your Life

Say goodbye to being overwhelmed and hello to a more balanced and fulfilling lifestyle. By following these three steps in the Ultimate Goal-Setting Workshop, you will experience transformational growth, gain the confidence to pursue your dreams, and unlock your full potential.
Step 1: Gain Clarity and Direction

In the Ultimate Goal-Setting Workshop, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery and gain crystal-clear clarity on your goals and direction in life. You will uncover your true passions and purpose through interactive exercises and guided reflection, giving you a solid foundation to build upon.

We can set your goals with clarity of who you are and what you want now.

Step 2: Overcome Limiting Beliefs and Negative Self-Talk

This workshop will equip you with the tools and strategies to break free from self-doubt and negative self-talk holding you back. You will learn powerful techniques to reframe your mindset, challenge limiting beliefs, and cultivate a positive and empowering inner dialogue.

So you have the strength to pursue your goals no matter the obstacles.

Step 3: Achieve Work-Life-Faith Balance

Finding a balance between work, personal life, and faith is crucial for overall well-being and success. In this workshop, you will discover effective strategies to manage your time, prioritize your commitments, and create harmony in all areas of your life.

You have tools to keep track of daily activities and goals along your journey.

Take control of you life with skills to last a live time.

Bonuses to Accelerate Your Workshop Results!

The solutions provided in the workshop are not just temporary fixes but equip you with ongoing skills and strategies that you can continue to apply in your lives even after the workshop to any goal.

Interactive Workbook for Workshop / Recordings

Interactive Workbook for Workshop

This interactive workbook to guide and assist you in creating lasting change and lead you to live of more passionate and fun.

Lifetime Access to Workshop Recordings

Revisit the workshop content and exercises on your own time whenever you want for ongoing growth and progress.

BONUS #2 (value $100)
Free Coaching Strategy Call

  • Private Strategy Call

  • Receive a complimentary strategy call with me to answer any questions and help you discover your next action steps to the life you want.

  • We will go over everything you learn and how to take it to the next level in having success, not just for the month but for the year.

  • Are you ready to finally eliminate procrastination, overwhelm, and self-doubt?

"Unlock Your Full Potential 2024: The Ultimate Goal-Setting Workshop 3 Steps to Transform Your Life"

  • Live Interactive Virtual Workshop:

    I take you through the framework of setting your ultimate goals while discovering who you are, where you are, where you want to go, and action steps to achieve your goals.

  • Workbook and Recordings:

    Lifetime access to the recording and workshop to guide you through the workshop

  • Life Balance Assessment:

    Track your scores and set your goals and action steps.

  • A Free Strategy Call:

    After the Workshop will set up a call to ensure your goals are clear and you have a plan going forwards.

  • Access to a Private Community:

    When you have a community to be supportive and lift you, achieving your goals becomes more accessible.

  • Free 5-Day Morning Routine Challenge:

    Transform Your Mornings: Discover the Power of a Simple Routine for a More Confident and Focused You and Put a Smile on Your Face! (get access to after registration)






Register for the Workshop by clicking the link. Save your spot; there are limited seats.


Mark your calendar and look out for emails of pre-event items.


Be ready to pour into yourself and start your transformation.

From the Desk of Vicki Viccora

Business-Life Strategist Coach

When I started my coaching business, I felt overwhelmed and unworthy to follow my purpose and become an entrepreneur. I felt like I would never begin to achieve my goals until I realized I didn’t have to do it all along, and when I used systems and frameworks, I realized I could achieve my goals.

Now, I use my 30-plus years of experience in management and training in the corporate world and my own transformational experience to guide women using my systems by empowering them to take charge of their lives, live out their purpose, and have fun along their journey.

Have a Blessed and Fun Day… Coach Vicki

Author, Inspirational Speaker, Coach, Entrepreneur, Course Creator, Trainer / Workshop, Mom, and Child of God.